
Many musicians who begin learning the duduk quickly realize the problems associated with the reeds and embouchure of this instrument. These double reeds tend to change their behavior very quickly depending on humidity, and buying a replacement reed is not a simple task. The reed must be specially adjusted for your own individual instrument. To play the duduk, your embouchure must be very strong and developed in a special way. It requires a lot of physical effort.

Our Duclar is a kind of alternative to the duduk, and the problems described above are solved on this instrument:

No hassle with replacing reeds: any standard clarinet reed fits. However, it is advisable to search for the right reed strength and brand/type.
It’s really easy to play; you don’t need as much physical effort, in fact, it takes about as much effort as playing the clarinet.
A soft sub-tone sound can be easily achieved.
The Duclar is tunable through the cork located on its body, making it ideal for playing with other instruments.
Currently only available in the key of A. Other keys will be available very soon.

Below is a short demo of the Duclar.